mercredi 10 mars 2010

FLASH: dressup - dressoff

This is an example of a student project, which was made interactive using simple FLASH scripting: (pictures used and published with permission.)

(move the mouse over the images and watch the movie go forwards and backwards and change the speed of showing the images)

so: this is a sequence of images which can be played forwards and backwards using the mouse.

the script can be found here: (only the movie for the script,the folder “images” has to be added…)


a timer: (to get the images loaded)

var clickTimer:Timer = new Timer(200);
clickTimer.addEventListener(“timer”, functionToDoWhenTimerFires);

a mouse event, (to change the speed of the timer, property timer delay and to change the timer frequency)

stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, changeTimerDelayAndDirection);

for the rest only loadImages is used….

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