mardi 9 mars 2010

FLASH question time

Is it possible to get a webcam behind an image? (The idea is to have a png and to show the webcam behind the (transparent) holes in the image.

Yes, just do an addChild with a movieclip with a picture after adding the camera:

so we have:

var winkelWagenMovieClip1 : MovieClip = new MovieClip(); //some movieclip to put an image in
winkelWagenMovieClip1.x = 0;

then we load the webcam using the FLASH help example:
//bla bla bla like the flash help example….

if (camera != null) {
camera.addEventListener(ActivityEvent.ACTIVITY, activityHandler);
video = new Video(camera.width * 2, camera.height * 2);
loadImage( winkelWagenMovieClip1, “1.jpg”, 40,0 ) //the method for loading a picture in the MovieClip

} else

////etcetera like the help example

and having this movieclip in front of the webcam image you can change or animate the things in this masking movieClip.

linux baby in front of the webcam

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